May 2014 Events and News

The New America Foundation, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and Dickinson College co-host a conversation on the evolving role of the wartime press and whether or not the latest technology is making Americans more—or less—free. Dozier spoke along with: Linda Mason, Former Senior Vice President, CBS News; Thom Shanker, Pentagon correspondent and now Associate Editor, The New York Times; Matthew Pinsker, Pohanka Chair in American Civil War History, Dickinson College; and Dr. Jeffrey McCausland, Minerva Chair, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College. See:

MSNBC’s Hardball on Iraq

CNN’s Situation Room on Our Duty to Get Bergdahl Back

CNN’s Situation Room on Taliban 5 return to battlefield versus growing threats to Bergdahl’s life

CNN’s Situation Room on Bergdahl letters


MSNBC’s Hardball on Iraq

April 2014 News

Dozier joined the The Daily Beast as a contributing writer.

See: and her articles for the DB after an April/May 2014 trip to Afghanistan:

Obama Is Betting His Whole Afghan Plan On These Commandos Read
Exclusive: CIA Falls Back In Afghanistan Read
A Time Bomb in Afghanistan’s Ballot Box Read
Remembering My Sisters in Danger: AP’s Anja Niedringhaus and Kathy Gannon Read

Teaching at the US Army War College, Penn State Law and Dickinson

Was awarded a one-year teaching chair at the U.S. Army War College, Penn State Law and Dickinson. She’ll teach a few days every week in the 2014 academic year teaching one class at each of the institutions in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, while researching and writing a book on resiliency and the clandestine force.

Travels in Afghanistan

Camp Leatherneck, Helmand Province with USMC PAO Second Lieutenant Philip J. Kulczewski.
With filmmaker Meg Prior of, both of us en route to Jalalabad via Bagram Airbase.
With COL JP McGee, commander of the Jalalabad-based 101st Airborne Division’s Bastogne Brigade, and his PAO MAJ Scott McCullough, after overseeing an overnight joint Afghan-U.S, operation in Nangarhar province.
Visiting Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, Afghanistan with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.